National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education

Directions for Conference Poster Preparation

Posters are presented as PDFs and 5-minute videos explaining the poster. The PDF and the video are uploaded to Whova, the conference app. NAKHE provides a PowerPoint template for posters and directions for creating videos.

Poster presenters must be present on-site during the conference poster session and bring 25-30 informative handouts to the session. Large physical posters are not required and will not be displayed on-site.

Conference attendees will view your poster and a 5-minute video using the Whova app. The posters will be available to conference attendees 48 hours before the poster session begins.

Below are the directions for preparing your poster presentation.

  1. Prepare a 6-slide PowerPoint presentation using the NAKHE Poster Presentation Template. 
    1. Download the template at
  2. Save the PowerPoint file as a PDF document.
  3. Prepare a 5-minute video summarizing your poster, preferably in MP4 format. 
  4. Email or share your PDF and video with by December 1. If you share the PDF and video, you must set the permissions to allow to download the files. 
  5. Bring 25-30 informative handouts to the session. The handouts are intended to assist with the in-person discussion of the poster during the live poster session. 
  6. Large physical posters are not required and will not be displayed on-site.

If you have any questions, please contact Donna Woolard, the Whova administrator, at as soon as possible.