National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education


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Distinguished awards2.pngAdministrator, Scholar, Service, and Teaching Awards

NAKHE invites nominations of individuals for the Distinguished Administrator, Scholar, Service, and Teaching Awards for consideration for the 2025 NAKHE Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on January 4-9, 2025.  These prestigious awards are given each year at the NAKHE conference to honor and celebrate individuals who have dedicated their professional lives to the disciplines of Kinesiology, Physical Education, and Higher Education.

Inquiries concerning the Distinguished Awards should be sent to Joe Deutcsh, Awards Chair, at .

Distinguished Administrator Award

The NAKHE Distinguished Administrator Award shall be awarded to a person who, through the application of administrative/managerial skills, has made significant contributions to the profession/and or related fields, both within and beyond the higher education community, and has been a contributing member of NAKHE continuously for at least five years.

The deadline for nominations is August 1, 2024.

Qualified nominees shall have achieved at least one of the following criteria with distinction:

  1. images/admin-icon2.pngSuccessful experience as an administrator within a program of kinesiology or physical education in higher education in at least one of the following categories:
    1. Dean or Assistant/Associate Dean of a school or college where kinesiology or physical education is a unit.
    2. Chairperson of a kinesiology or physical education department in a college or university.
  2. Advancement of the goals and ideals of the profession through the application of managerial skills within other groups/organizations.
    1. Executive director/president/program leader for a kinesiology or physical education discipline-related organization/conference.
    2. Director of a regional /national/international physical education project/activity.
    3. Dissemination (publication, presentation, teaching) of scholarly/academic innovations concerning physical education administration, which has impacted physical education nationally.
    4. Leadership in kinesiology or physical education as a member of a governing body.
    5. Record of influence outside the higher education profession, which has served physical education as a discipline beyond the institution.

Nominate a Colleague for the Distinguished Administrator Award

A list of Distinguished Administrator Award Recipients is available here.

The Distinguished Administrator Award requires the nominee to submit (1) written statements outlining their achievements regarding the award criteria, (2) a curriculum vitae and (3) a letter of support from an individual currently working with the nominee addressing all the criteria for the award. After being nominated, the nominee will be emailed a link to an application form where the written statements may be submitted and the vitae and letter uploaded.

Distinguished Scholar Award

The NAKHE Distinguished Scholar Award shall be awarded to a person who has made a significant contribution to kinesiology and physical education in higher education through scholarly pursuits within a multi-disciplinary perspective and has been a contributing member of NAKHE continuously for at least five years.

images/scholar.pngThe deadline for nominations is August 1, 2024.

Nominees will be judged on their contributions by showing distinction in at least one area with contributions in two or more:

  1. Contributing member of a national organization or journal continuously for at least five years.
  2. Author of a book(s).
  3. Author of articles in professional or lay periodicals.
  4. Editor of book(s) or monographs.
  5. Researcher who develops, executes, and reports significant research.
  6. Lecturer at professional meetings.
  7. Other scholarly areas not listed above.

Nominate a Colleague for the Distinguished Scholar Award

A list of Distinguished Scholar Award Recipients is available here.

The Distinguished Scholar Award requires the nominee to submit (1) written statements outlining their achievements regarding the award criteria, (2) a curriculum vitae and (3) a letter of support from an individual currently working with the nominee addressing all the criteria for the award. After being nominated, the nominee will be emailed a link to an application form where the written statements may be submitted and the vitae and letter uploaded.

Distinguished Service Award

The deadline for nominations is August 1, 2024.

The NAKHE Distinguished Service Award shall be awarded to a person who:

  1. Has been a member of NAKHE continuously for at least ten years.
  2. Has given outstanding service to NAKHE as evidenced by achievement in at least five of the following categories:
    1. images/service.pngOfficer of the corporation.
    2. Member of the Board of Directors of Directors.
    3. Chairperson of a committee.
    4. Member of committee(s) for at least two years.
    5. Attendee at the annual conference(s).
    6. Speaker at the annual conference(s).
    7. Invited lecturer: Amy Morris Homans, Dudley Allen Sargent, or Delphine Hanna.
    8. Workshop leader.
    9. Contributor to NAKHE publications.

Nominate a Colleague for the Distinguished Service Award

A list of Distinguished Administrator Service Recipients is available here.

Distinguished Teaching Award

The Distinguished Teaching Award is given to a person who has significantly contributed to kinesiology in higher education through proven success in the classroom.

images/teaching-award.pngThe deadline for nominations is August 1, 2024.

Nominees will be judged on their contributions to the following by showing distinction in one area with contributions in two or more other areas:

  1. Demands rigor and high standards of performance for her/himself and for students
  2. Inspires students to greater achievement
  3. Ensures course content represents the highest standards in the field
  4. Maintains involvement with students outside the classroom
  5. Receives highly positive evaluations by current or former students
  6. Shows evidence of continuing professional development
  7. Demonstrates improved teaching technique.

Nominate a Colleague for the Distinguished Teaching Award

A list of Distinguished Teaching Award Recipients is available here.

The Distinguished Teaching Award requires the nominee to submit (1) statements outlining their instructional approach regarding the award criteria, (2) a curriculum vitae and (3) a letter of support from an individual currently working with the nominee addressing all the criteria for the award. After being nominated, the nominee will be emailed a link to an application form where the written statements may be submitted and the vitae and letter uploaded.

Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Award

images/young-scholar-200w.pngNAKHE invites new professionals employed for 5 or fewer years and currently working at an institution of higher education to participate in a special program during the January 5-8, 2025 Annual Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The 2025 NAKHE conference marks the 25th year in which the Executive Board of NAKHE has approved an open paper competition to encourage the development of innovative ideas and discussions from the newest members of our profession.

The Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar, Open Paper Competition winner, will present the paper at a special session at the 2025 conference. In addition to this unique presentation opportunity, the Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar receives a $250 monetary prize and a free NAKHE membership for the upcoming year.

The deadline for submitting papers is August 1, 2024.

Inquiries concerning the Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Award should be sent to Joe Deutcsh, Awards Chair, at .

The selection of the Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Award is based on scholarly content, organization and pertinence to the field of kinesiology or physical education from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Qualified authors and papers shall meet the following criteria:

  1. Members of NAKHE.
  2. Full-time faculty in their first five years of employment in a college or university setting.
  3. Award recipients are expected to present their papers at a special session during the annual conference.
  4. Recipients must register for the conference.
  5. Papers may not have been previously published or presented.
  6. The committee will review papers according to the following criteria:
    1. A strong connection to the review of literature in the field
    2. Writing style
    3. Originality of idea/concept/style of presentation
    4. Practical application potential
    5. Potential contribution to the field

Submit a Paper for the Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Award

A list of Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Award Recipients is available here.

Joanna Davenport Graduate Student Poster Award

NAKHE invites graduate students to submit poster presentations for the 2025 NAKHE Conference on January 5-8, 2025, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. In addition to this professional growth opportunity, the Poster Award winner receives a $250 monetary prize and a free NAKHE membership for the upcoming year.

The deadline for submitting posters is July 1, 2024.

Inquiries concerning the Joanna Davenport Graduate Student Poster Award should be sent to Joe Deutcsh, Awards Chair, at .


The selection of the poster award is based on scholarly content, organization, and pertinence to the field of kinesiology or physical education from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Qualified authors and posters shall meet the following criteria:

  1. Current doctoral students or have completed their degree after January of the preceding year.
  2. Poster presenters must present their poster at the Joanna Davenport Graduate Student Poster session.
  3. Presenters must register for the conference.
  4. Posters must contain original, unpublished research (current or recently completed) and may not have been previously presented.
  5. Posters will be reviewed by the committee according to the following criteria:
    1. A strong connection to the review of literature in the field
    2. Writing style
    3. Originality of idea/concept/style of presentation
    4. Practical application potential
    5. Potential contribution to the field
    6. Esthetics

Submit a Poster Joanna Davenport Graduate Student Poster Award

A list of Joanna Davenport Graduate Student Poster Award recipients is available here.

NAKHEFellows.pngNAKHE Fellows

Requests for information should be sent to Tara Tietjen Smith at .

  • Nominations for NAKHE Fellow are welcomed each year. All NAKHE members can nominate their NAKHE colleagues for this prestigious designation.
  • A NAKHE Fellow is one of the acknowledged leaders in the field of kinesiology.
  • Each year, Fellows are selected using the criteria below. Selections for new Fellows are made by a committee composed of current NAKHE Fellows. All nominations recommended by the NAKHE Fellows Committee are approved by the NAKHE Board of Directors.
  • Criteria:
    1. Completed submission of all required material for committee review (NAKHE Fellow application, current Curriculum Vitae).
    2. The rank of Associate or Full Professor.
    3. Significant contributions to the field, including but not limited to scholarly productivity, leadership in the field of kinesiology or one’s home institution, or other contributions listed in the nomination and award process.
    4. Significant contributions to NAKHE, including but not limited to sustained membership 5 years or more, leadership on NAKHE committees, editing NAKHE publications, holding senior NAKHE leadership positions (Secretary, Vice President, President, or other leadership roles), or other significant contributions.
    5. Nominations of retired or deceased NAKHE members who met Fellow criteria while they were Active Members are welcome. Three (3) or more current NAKHE Fellows must recommend the inclusion of any nominations of retired or deceased NAKHE members in any one given year.
  • Fellows nominations and supporting materials are to be sent to Tara Tietjen-Smith, Fellow #49.
  • Deadline: Nomination form and accompanying must be received by August 1, 2024, for the Class of 2025. Late nomination forms and/or those without the required materials will not be reviewed.
  • Submission Instructions: The NAKHE nominating member should submit ALL materials electronically by e-mail to Tara Tietjen-Smith at .
  • Submission Checklist: Materials should be sent as e-mail attachments as follows:
    1. Completed NAKHE Fellows Nomination Form.
    2. The candidate's abbreviated curriculum vitae should not exceed 5 pages and should provide the most significant contributions in the noted areas.
    3. Additional letters of support from NAKHE colleagues are welcomed but not required.
  • Contributions to NAKHE: The nominating NAKHE member is asked to discuss significant contributions to NAKHE, including but not limited to leadership on NAKHE committees, editing and reviewing NAKHE publications, holding senior NAKHE leadership positions (secretary, vice president, president, webmaster, or other posts in NAKHE), or other significant contributions to the organization.
  • Contributions to the Field of Kinesiology: The nominating NAKHE member is asked to discuss the significant contributions to the field of kinesiology, including but not limited to: scholarly productivity, leadership in the field of kinesiology or one’s home institution, leadership in professional societies, other than NAKHE, and other significant contributions not listed above.

Download the 2025 NAKHE Fellows Application and Rubric Form

NAKHE Fellows


Class of 2015

  • Hally Beth Poindexter (1)
  • John Massengale (2)
  • Ron Feingold (3)
  • Karen DePauw (4)
  • Joy DeSensi (5)
  • Mel Finkenberg (6)
  • Leah Fiorentino (7)
  • Mike Metzler (8)

Class of 2016

  • Judith Bischoff (9)
  • Marilyn Buck (10)
  • Charles Corbin (11)
  • Steven Estes (12)
  • Donald Hellison (13)
  • Samuel Hodge (14)
  • Jimmy Ishee (15)
  • Jacalyn Lund (16)
  • Camille O'Bryant (17)
  • Dean Pease (18)

Class of 2017

  • John Charles (19)
  • David Clarke (20)
  • Doris Corbett (21)
  • Jody Davenport (22)
  • Scott Kretchmar (23)
  • Dick Swanson (24)

Class of 2018

  • Betty Block (25)
  • B. Ann Boyce (26)
  • John Dunn (27)
  • Richard Oates (28)
  • George Sage (29)
  • Alison Wrynn (30)

 Class of 2019

  • Damon Andrew (31)
  • Linda Bain (32)
  • Brad Cardinal (33)
  • Brian Culp (34)
  • Anna Frank (35)
  • E. Newton Jackson (36)
  • Lawrence Locke (37)
  • Beverly Mitchell (38)
  • Gloria Napper-Owen (39)
  • Roberta Park (40)
  • Donna Woolard (41)
  • Emily Wughalter (42)

Class of 2020

  • Jesse Germain (43)
  • Bethany Hersman (44)

Class of 2021

  • Britt Johnson (45)
  • Lynda Ransdell (46)
  • Hans van der Mars (47)

 Class of 2022

  • Diane Gill (48)
  • Tara Tietjen-Smith (49)

Class of 2023

  • Justin Haegele (50)
  • Jody Langdon (51)
  • Bradford Strand (52)

Class of 2024

  • Timothy Baghurst (53)
  • Daniel Burt (54)
  • Vanessa Fiaud (55)
  • Douglas Hochstetler (56)
  • Jared A. Russell (57)

Class of 2025

  • Gayle Maddox (58)
  • Gregg Twietmeyer (59)
  • Jerono Rotich (60)
  • Timothy Brusseau (61)