2022 Department Head Certification Training
July 7 - 8, 2022
Thursday - Friday, July 7-8, 2022
Northwestern State University
Natchitoches, Louisiana
The face-to-face 2022 Department Head Certification Training (DHCT) workshop will be on Thursday - Friday, July 7-8, 2022. It is held in conjunction with the Summer Leadership Development Workshop (LDW). Please note that this is a change to a previously published date and schedule to take advantage of lower airline rates.
Applications Now Open
Contact Tim Brusseau at tim.brusseau@utah.edu, the DHCT program coordinator or Emilia Patricia Zarco the NAKHE Leadership Institute Chair at zarco@adelphi.edu if you have questions.
The following documents are required as part of the application process and are due March 15th, 2022
- A cover letter outlining the leadership roles you have held, your professional goals, and your leadership aspirations
- A letter of nomination from an administrator in higher education
- A current curriculum vita
- Completed application form and a signed statements of agreement
Completed applications should be emailed in Word or PDF documents to:
Tim Brusseau, PhD
DHCT Program Coordinator
Chair, Health and Kinesiology
The University of Utah
Email: tim.brusseau@utah.edu
Phone: 801-587-7900
Download the Department Head Certification Training Application Form (Word document)
DHCT participants must register for both the 2022 DHCT and the 2022 LDW Summer Workshops.
DHCT Schedule
Wednesday, July 6
* Arrival (Welcome socials in the evening)
Thursday, July 7
* Combined DHCT/LDW
Friday, July 8
* Combined DHCT/LDW
* Conference ends Friday afternoon
DHCT Registration Fees
Participation is limited to 10 attendees.
Applications submitted by NAKHE members will be given preference.
DHCT registration will open to attendees once the application process is completed.
Membership Category Cost
Member Registered by 5/1/22 $120
Member Registered after 5/1/22 $150
Non-Member Registered by 5/1/22 $220
Non-Member Registered after 5/1/22 $250
LDW Registration Fees
Registration: Workshop is open to first 50 registrants.
LDW registration opens March 1, 2022.
- By April 15 $60 for members | $160 for non-members
- After April 15 (if available) $80 | $180 for non-members
NAKHE DHCT/LDW Refund Policy:
- 90% refund for anyone whose cancellation request arrives prior to May 15.
- 50% refund for anyone whose cancellation request arrives between May 16 and July 1.
- 25% refund for anyone whose cancellation arrives between July 1 and July 5.
- 0% refund for anyone whose cancellation request arrives after July 5.