National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education

2025 NAKHE Conference Evaluation Form

Please select the professional title that best represents your participation in NAKHE.
 Tenured Full Professor
 Tenured Associate Professor
 Tenure Track Associate Professor
 Tenure Track Assistant Professor
 Professional Track Instructor/Assistant/Associate Professor
 Graduate Student
 Retired or Emeritus
 Non-college Colleague
Institutional Categories: Please check the box(es) below that best describe(s) the institution where you are currently working or studying.
 Large Public (>20,000 students)  
 Large Private (>20,000 students)  
 Small-Midsize Public (<20,000 students)  
 Small-Midsize Private (<20,000 students)  
 Community College or Junior College  
 Tribal College or University  
 Historically Black College or University (HBCU)  
 Equity-Oriented Institutions - previously referred to as Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI)  
 Institution outside of the United States  
 Non-college Business  
Please indicate the approximate number of NAKHE conferences you have attended in your career.
 This was my first NAKHE conference
 This was my second NAKHE conference
 More than 20
Please indicate the average number of professional conferences you attend in a typical year.
 This is the only one I have ever attended
What helped you decide to register for this year's conference?
Please check all that apply.
 NAKHE Website  
 NAKHE Emails  
 Social media posts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)  
 A colleague referred me  
 A mentor referred me  
 I had a presentation accepted  
 Conference location (Puerto Rico)  
What were the strengths of this year's conference from your perspective?
Please check all that apply.
 Accommodations (location, hotel, food)  
 Value for Money Spent on Registration Fee  
 Featured Lectures (Hanna, Homans, Praxis)  
 Informal Networking  
 Committee Meetings  
 Social Events  
 Business Meeting  
 New Member Activities (e.g., Whova first-timer discussions, icebreakers, meet-ups, roundtable discussions, etc.)  
 Davenport Graduate Poster Session  
 Digital Poster Session  
Moving forward, do you think the NAKHE Conference should include virtual poster sessions or return to traditional printed poster sessions?
 Continue virtual poster sessions
 Return to traditional printed poster sessions
 No preference
 I have a preference that I will explain below
January Tradition:
NAKHE has a tradition of holding this annual conference in early January because this is a low-use time for 4-star hotels that can offer participants a reasonable room rate in the south. Should this tradition continue or not? When may be a better time of year? Are you willing to pay a higher room rate? Are you willing to attend a conference in the north?
Are you currently planning to attend the 2026 Conference in Nashville, Tennessee?
 Yes, definitely!
 Yes, only if I have a session proposal accepted.
 Yes, only if I have appropriate funding.
 Yes, only if I have funding and an accepted proposal.
 Not sure yet.
 No, I am not planning to attend.
What location would you prefer for the 2028 Conference?
 Puerto Rico
 Charleston, South Carolina
 Savannah, Georgia
 United States Virgin Islands
The 2025 Leadership Development Workshop will be hosted by Christopher Wirth at the University of West Florida, July 9-11, 2025.
Please check all that apply for your perspectives on the Leadership Development Workshop (LDW) that is traditionally held in July.
 I will only attend in 2025 if the event is virtual.  
 I will only attend in 2025 if the event is in person.  
 I have no interest in attending LDW.  
 I may be interested in LDW but need more information.  
 I would like to be involved in the planning and/or facilitating of the LDW.  
 I am not aware of what the LDW is or why I should attend.  
Have you connected with NAKHE on social media?
NAKHE is a member-driven organization, and therefore the participation of members is critical. Please indicate if you are interested in more information on participating in the following ways:
Please check all that apply.
 Now or in the future, I am interested in serving in an elected leadership position  
 Leadership Development Workshop  
 Department Head Certification Program  
 Leadership Mentor Program  
 Engaged Scholar  
 Social Justice, Cultural Diversity Committee  
 Social Media and Marketing Committee  
 Awards Committee  
 Bylaws Committee  
 Foundations Committee  
 Nominations and Elections Committee  
 Publications Committee  
 Special Committee on Coaching Education  
 Leadership Development Institute Planning Committee  
 Annual Conference Planning Committee (Currently Ad Hoc)  
We look forward to seeing you at the 2026 Annual NAKHE Conference!
January 7 - 10, 2026
Nashville, Tennessee
Lindsey Nanney, NAKHE Vice President
Conference Planner
Office use only: