National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education

New Associate Sign-up

Contact Information

Please enter your home mailing address. That is where your journals are to be mailed.

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Profile Information

Type of School or Business

 Assistant Professor  
 Associate Dean  
 Associate Professor  
 Department Chair  
 Professor Emeritus  
 Program Director  
 Vice Provost  

 Over 65

Primary Area(s) of Responsibility
 Adapted PE  
 Anatomical Kinesiology  
 Anthropology of Play  
 Athletic Training  
 Exercise Physiology  
 Instructional Physical Activity Program/Basic Instruction  
 Measurement and Evaluation  
 Motor Development  
 Motor Learning/Control  
 Outdoor Education  
 Sport Management  

What Committees are you Interested in?
 Awards Subcommittee  
 Bylaws Committee  
 Foundations Committee  
 Future Directions Committee  
 Member Services Committee  
 Membership Subcommittee  
 Nominations and Elections Subcommittee  
 Public Affairs Subcommittee  
 Publications Committee  
 Social Justice Subcommittee  
 I am not interested in serving on a committee at this time  

Please enter calendar year that you first joined. (ex. 2010)

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